The gap in the subjective wellbeing of Māori and New Zealand Europeans widened between 2005 and 2009
Authors: Sibley C et al
Summary: These researchers compared the self-reported subjective wellbeing of
Māori and New Zealand Europeans in two NZ national postal samples. The first sample
was collected in 2005 before the global financial crisis of 2007/2010. The second
was collected in 2009 while the crisis was ongoing. The first sample contained 289
Māori and 2,769 NZ Europeans; numbers in the second sample were 964 and 4,073,
respectively. While NZ Europeans’ scores on the Personal Wellbeing Index (PWI) were
near-identical across the 2005 and 2009 samples, scores for Māori, which were
already lower than NZ Europeans on the PWI in 2005, were further decreased in 2009.
Reference: Soc Indic Res. 2011;104(1):103-15.
Improving health and energy efficiency through community-based housing interventions
Authors: Howden-Chapman P et al
Summary: Outcomes are reported from two New Zealand community-based
housing interventions designed to improve the energy efficiency of older housing and
thereby the occupants’ health. The Housing, Insulation and Health Study showed that
insulating 1,350 houses, built before insulation was required, improved the occupants’
health and wellbeing as well as household energy efficiency. The Housing, Heating and
Health Study investigated the impact of installing more effective heating in insulated
houses for 409 households, where there was a child with doctor-diagnosed asthma.
The intervention increased indoor temperatures and halved NO2 levels. Children
reported less poor health, lower levels of asthma symptoms and sleep disturbances
by wheeze and dry cough. Children also had fewer days off school.
Reference: Int J Public Health. 2011 Aug 20. [Epub ahead of print]
Diabetes self-management education in South Auckland, New Zealand, 2007-2008
Authors: Silva M et al
Summary: This study evaluated a diabetes self-management education program
implemented as part of a district-wide approach in South Auckland, New Zealand. Selfmanagement
attitudes and behaviours were monitored with the use of questionnaires
before program implementation and 3 months after it ended. There was evidence of
the program improving participants’ attitudes toward their own ability to manage their
diabetes; in diet, physical activity, and foot care, as well as haemoglobin A1c levels.
Participants also reduced their sense of isolation when dealing with their diabetes.
Reference: Prev Chronic Dis. 2011;8(2):A42.